Thursday, November 03, 2011

I don't think misogyny is a type of trolling

... I think they're largely separate hobbies. Data point with respect to this post - how many abusive emails do you think I got for the famous rageboy banker post? None. One of my mates emailed me to say he thought I was probably in the wrong, but that's it. How many in the total history of D^2 Digest? Also none. How many through the entire operating period of, a site specifically dedicated to provoking them? One (and this was actually from someone who I had been arguing with in the comments section, not related to a front page post). Email threats (as opposed to comments section bullshit) are a specifically female function.

Currently, in the history of D^2D I have only ever felt motivated to ban commenters on three occasions; Dan Hardie twice (since rescinded), and the entire world once (still current).

1 comment:

  1. I must say I'm rather annoyed with the entire world for having robbed me of my rightful position as your only banned commenter.
