Economics and similar, for the sleep-deprived
A subtle change has been made to the comments links, so they no longer pop up. Does this in any way help with the problem about comments not appearing on permalinked posts, readers?
Update: seemingly not
Update: Oh yeah!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Thursday music link
Q: Why would H'Angus the Monkey be at home in Gotham City?
A: (answer to come later today)
Hint: Consider "Moonraker".
Update!: Richard got it in comments. Both "Gotham" and "Moonraker", for all that they sound all cool and edgy, are derived from tales of English rural idiots. The 16th century book Merry Tales of The Mad Men of Gotham was popular enough 300 years later for "Gotham" to be a shorthand for "halfwits", and for everyone to know what Washington Irving meant when nicknaming Manhattan "Gotham" in Salmagundi; the Batman location presumably followed via a number of connections to New York, depending on which internet reference you believe. "Moonrakers", on the other hand, are Wiltshire yokels, because a bunch of them were apparently once caught trying to catch the reflection of the moon in a pond, believing it to be a cheese. Revisionists with Wikipedia editing powers have recast this as a story of clever smugglers fooling the excisemen by pretending to be stupid, but frankly how likely is this (particularly since Wiltshire is not on the coast).
But the Hartlepool idiots apparently never made it to Hollywood. Shame. I can sort of see an outline treatment for an action-adventure film called "Monkeyhanger", but I would guess that if you were being seriously considered for casting in it, something would be up with your career. Eventually filmed starring Jason Statham and not long before DVD release.
I Want You. I think Alex noted that the Fall, like several other influential bands, are really best experienced through the medium of press coverage and interviews rather than through listening to their actual records (this is also, to reignite an old debate, basically the difference between JAMC and Sonic Youth). But there are odd moments - this one, "Cruisers Creek", Kurios Oranj - when you can sort of see what all the fuss was about.
this item posted by the management 2/11/2010 12:46:00 AM