Economics and similar, for the sleep-deprived
A subtle change has been made to the comments links, so they no longer pop up. Does this in any way help with the problem about comments not appearing on permalinked posts, readers?
Update: seemingly not
Update: Oh yeah!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Business models
I thought I had already made this point, but the search function suggests I hadn't. The Prince James Murdoch[1] critique of the BBC appears to be that it is "too big" and "over-reaching". The idea being that while the BBC website exists and provides excellent content for free, it is impossible for commercial providers to provide a service anywhere near as good and to charge for it.
Once more, while I entirely realise that the current location of the cover price of the Times in my sky rocket rather than the bank account of News International must be a constant source of anguish for Prince James, this is not the sort of pain that anyone has a right to have relieved. Speaking as a consumer and licence-fee payer, the proposal being extended is that while I currently get a lot of news and content for free, if there were to be prescriptive regulation of the BBC I could get a worse service and have to pay for it. I simply don't see what's in this for me.
[1] I am following Alexander Trotman's excellent habit in referring to people who got their job because their family owned the company. To be honest, I don't intend to do this systematically with people who don't bring it on topic by starting to talking about "competition" and "meritocracy".
this item posted by the management 9/01/2009 12:28:00 AM